
Open Handhelds Browser

this program is meant to be used on the Caanoo Handheld, it browses the Open Handhelds archive for the Caanoo (www.openhandhelds.org) - at least in its current form - using simple heuristics and can install apps directly from the caanoo but only if:
1) the archive file is in a zip file (tar, rar, 7z etc TBD)
2) the archive contains precisely 1 .ini file with a matching directory
3) the file is not too big

any additional libraries contained in the archive will not be recognized.

Note that this program will write on the SD card, as such it can potentially ruin things badly (it has some basic sanity checks, though), in other words:

it needs the python+pygame+albow package
(http://dl.openhandhelds.org/cgi-bin/caanoo.cgi?0,0,0,0,19,774 )

Start up the network (wifi or usb) before starting.

DL : http://dl.openhandhelds.org/cgi-bin/caanoo.cgi?0,0,0,0,35,775

Python, Pygame, Numpy, Albow

Compile of Python 2.6.7, Albow 2.1, pygame 1.9.1 and numpy 1.6.1 for the Caanoo

unzip into the root directory of the sd card.

this installs a /python directory with everything.The /python/python script sets up the environment and preloads the touch screen lib. If you have a pygame program (for example) then:
/mnt/sd/python/python yourpygamescript.py
from its directory should get you going.

(see the Openhandhelds browser for an example use)

Note that:
- all the .py files have been precompiled to pyc, and the .py files removed; this may or may not be a good idea; comment on this if you see a reason to include the .py
- no special provisions are made for the Caanoo. Simple pygame applications which use only the mouse will probably be usable without
changes, but anything using the keyboard needs some work...

Python: www.python.org
Pygame: pygame.org
Albow: http://www.cosc.canterbury.ac.nz/greg.ewing/python/Albow/
numpy: http://numpy.scipy.org/