
Python, Pygame, Numpy, Albow

Compile of Python 2.6.7, Albow 2.1, pygame 1.9.1 and numpy 1.6.1 for the Caanoo

unzip into the root directory of the sd card.

this installs a /python directory with everything.The /python/python script sets up the environment and preloads the touch screen lib. If you have a pygame program (for example) then:
/mnt/sd/python/python yourpygamescript.py
from its directory should get you going.

(see the Openhandhelds browser for an example use)

Note that:
- all the .py files have been precompiled to pyc, and the .py files removed; this may or may not be a good idea; comment on this if you see a reason to include the .py
- no special provisions are made for the Caanoo. Simple pygame applications which use only the mouse will probably be usable without
changes, but anything using the keyboard needs some work...

Python: www.python.org
Pygame: pygame.org
Albow: http://www.cosc.canterbury.ac.nz/greg.ewing/python/Albow/
numpy: http://numpy.scipy.org/

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