
Virtual Jaguar


Riviera71 from the French Caanoo Community ported Virtual Jaguar. It's an early port and things need to be improved.

Launch a game :

- first you need to recalibrate the stylus, because the Caanoo screen is smaller than the Emu menu. 2 or 3 pixels down can do the trick.

- launch the emulator

- touch the screen when it's black

- go to Jaguar ---> Load

- you're in the rom directory, your roms should appear here

- select your game, it must be highlighted in orange

- click on Load, the game must ALWAYS be highlighted or it won't launch. Load must be highlighted in WHITE, the game in ORANGE.

- if it's ok, it will go back to the first menu screen

- go to Jaguar ---> Reset

and be patient, it's really slow.

Controls :

Direction: D-PAD
Jaguar C : Caanoo A
Jaguar B : Caanoo X
Jaguar A : Caanoo B

Home : emu menu

It needs to be improved, any help would be really appreciated.

DL here : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FP63KIR5

French topic here : http://caanoo.forumactif.net/t904-virtual-jaguar

English topic here : http://www.gp32x.com/board/index.php?/topic/60196-virtual-jaguar-for-caanoo/

1 comment:

  1. Great to see the jaguar on the caanoo but its pretty useless as it stands!

    Managed to get a couple games to run but very very slowly and totally unplayable

    hope this emulator gets some good updates, thanks for all the hard work so far author or VJ :-)

